About Jon

Jon Lee, LMFT

  • Certified Level 3 TIST Practitioner 

  • TIST Senior Trainer for Clinicians, Academy of Therapy Wisdom

  • Level 2 Brainspotting Practitioner

  • Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Provider

I’m Jon Lee (they/them)! 

I’m a queer, non-binary, autistic, Taiwanese-American therapist, located on un-ceded Ohlone Land (Oakland, CA). People tend to describe me as intentional, perceptive, compassionate, and creative. Relentlessly curious about trauma recovery and healing practices, I’m committed to continuous learning and my own ongoing inner work. As a therapist, I show up fully for each client’s unique wellness journey with utmost respect and reverence. It brings me special joy to support and witness recovery, healing, and growth for people at intersections of queerness, gender expansiveness, BIPOC identities, and/or neurospiciness.

You deserve highly specialized therapy.

I’ve devoted my therapist journey to specializing in trauma’s effects and many manifestations. I recognize that trauma and resilience are political. As a complex trauma survivor myself, I know firsthand how crucial it is to have actionable practices and steps that bring lasting change. Especially lasting change that unfolds from the “bottom-up” (from deeper layers of our psyche and mind-body connection) – not just “top-down” (not just relying on analytical thinking).

Let’s collaborate, so that you can feel less lost and alone, and more equipped with practical tools and maps towards your goals!

Values and approaches

  • Non-pathologizing, curious, uplifting all aspects of you

  • Meeting you wherever you are in your journey, working at your pace

  • Collaborative, anti-oppressive, centering your innate wisdom

  • Honoring transpersonal, spiritual, ancestral, and non-physical dimensions of being

  • Informed by an intersectional social justice lens and liberatory frameworks

Main methods I offer

  • Parts work is a somatic and mindfulness-based way of working through internal conflicts, emotional distress, compulsive / addictive tendencies, dissociative experiences (and plural systems), trauma-related challenges, relationship challenges, and much more. Parts work helps people make what is less visible more visible – in therapy and in their everyday lives outside of therapy. It promotes more sense of choice, clarity, alignment, and mental flexibility. And it provides actionable steps and maps towards lasting and deeper healing and growth.

  • Brainspotting is a powerful and impactful way to process remnants of trauma lodged deeper in our psyches. It utilizes the brain’s innate healing intelligence to “digest” traumatic material that might be harder to access in our everyday states of consciousness.

    Brainspotting operates on the premise of “where we look affects how we feel.” You may have noticed yourself or others staring into space while talking about certain themes, because keeping the eyes fixed in a certain position helps with accessing certain emotional memories. Similarly, Brainspotting uses specific eye positions in our visual field, along with a focused mindful state and the attuned presence of a therapeutic relationship, to “digest” deeper traumatic material that might reinforce stuckness in default / reflexive tendencies and habits.

  • Somatic and mindfulness-based approaches help people build a more fine-tuned and conscious relationship with their mind-body connection. These are therapy methods with roots in ancient Eastern and Indigenous traditions and practices. These methods can help with:

    • Staying more grounded and embodied in the present moment

    • Building a toolbox for being with difficult inner experiences in the present moment

    • Listening and responding to internal cues / information from the mind-body connection

    • Moving and digesting remnants of trauma and stress lodged in the mind-body connectionDescription text goes here

  • KAP combines psychotherapy with the psychedelic effects of lower doses of ketamine. Ketamine can induce a number of therapeutic effects and can deepen and expand the effects of psychotherapy. Ongoing psychotherapy helps with implementing and maintaining changes promoted by ketamine.

    • TIST Senior Trainer for other clinicians, Academy of Therapy Wisdom (2023 - present)

    • Certified Level 3 TIST Practitioner, Academy of Therapy Wisdom (2022)

    • Brainspotting Level 2 Practitioner (2024)

    • Certificate of completion for 7-Week Ketamine Assisted Therapy Training for Providers - Alchemy Community Therapy Center (2024)

    • Two Chairs

    • West Coast Children’s Clinic

    • Felton Institute SF

    • Asian Community Mental Health Services

    • “Clocking Repeating Patterns” Trauma Resiliency Workshop at “Ovahness 2.0” Ballroom Leadership Summit, Los Angeles, CA (2024)

    • Creative Expression and Mental Health” Expressive Arts Workshop for REACHLA Queer Trans Youth Magazine Production Program (2021)

Want to get started? Let’s connect!

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation video call with me, where I can answer any questions you have.